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The Three Point Summer Beard Program

The Three Point Summer Beard Program

"Don’t you feel hot and sweaty under your beard?" "Bombay is a hot humid city. The beard must be getting on to you?!", blabbered Saurabh who recently shaved off his winter beard.

“The beard and my Turban are part of my guru gifted identity. I can’t shave it off or trim it, and the beard is not seasonal or has an expiry date. Just follow the Four Point Beardmen Program and the bread breaks no sweat."

So what is The Three Point Summer Beard Program? 

Beard Refreshed

In summer the beard can cause a bit of irritation. A good beard-wash routine helps to reduce the irritation by gently washing the sweat and dust accumulated on the beard and facial skin. Use the Singh Styled Cleaner and Conditioner that cleans and softens the beard.

Beard Oiled

Just like washing your hair, washing your beard can strip the hair of healthy oils and it will need to be rehydrated. Singh Styled has a range of summer beard oil fragrances,e.g. citrus, sweet coconut, and honey drop that will keep the beard smelling summer great.

Stay Hydrated

A well-hydrated body is most important to keep a healthy beard. Summer is the season of dehydration, which can cause your hairs to grow brittle, and prone to breakage. Ensure that you drink enough water to keep the body always hydrated.